New Music Wednesday: Workout Candy!
This album is a fun one! Yes Fitness Music and SparkPeople teamed up and made something totally unique. Here’s my take on this new album:
As a Registered Dietitian and Fitness Trainer, one of my core philosophies is “balance”. I always joke I’m a liberal dietitian because I sincerely feel like balance, variety and moderation are the keys to good health. And yep, that means a little sugar can fit into our lives from time to time ;) How does this apply to your choice of workout music? Easy. Here goes:
A little “hard-core” is good for your workout - by that, I mean heavy-hitting house music; it’s intense and makes you feel strong, driven and kinda like a rockstar.
And… a little “fun” is also good for your workout - by that, I mean sing-along pop music; it’s happy and makes you feel like it’s going to be a great day.
So balance those two things out: take “hard-core” and “fun”… and you get “workout” and “candy”. Right? I think so!
There is no other album like this in the iTunes store. Workout Candy is super cool because it balances fun familiarity with hard-core unfamiliarity. It’s the perfect blend to continuously fuel your energy levels - and the flip-flop musical genres keep you mentally and physically engaged throughout your workout.
Here are the specs for this fun, sassy album:
- Alternates “pop” songs with “house” songs
- 135 bpm (universal tempo that matches most types of cardio and weight training)
- 20 hot tracks
- 10 pumped-up pop songs (familiar sounds)
- 10 hard-hitting house tracks (completely new sounds)
Take a listen! #keepingitfresh #sparkpeople